Introducing: Chester!
Chester joined the household in September 2004. His "proper" name is Holdermaines MeowerOfSimpleton, and he's a silver mackerel tabby with white Maine Coon cat. He's about 3 months old in the first photo. The second photo is of him and his 8 littermates; Chester is on the bottom, in the middle. Chester is a show-quality Maine Coon, and he'll be competing in the kitten and alter classes of many TICA shows on the West Coast through (at least) the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 seasons.
Chester was bred and nurtured through his first few months by the wonderful folks at Holdermaines Maine Coon Cats, Farrell and Marty Holderman.... many thanks to Farrell and Marty for letting this big, sweet, furry goof come live with me!
The name MeowerOfSimpleton is a pun on the name of a favorite song, "The Mayor of Simpleton", by the band XTC. The "everyday" name is rather harder to explain. I was unable to find an "obvious" shortening of the full name into an everyday name that I liked. Instead, I figured as follows. Since XTC is a quintessentially English band, the "Simpleton" of the song is undoubtedly an English town. Many English cities and towns have names that end with the suffix --chester (Winchester, Glouchester, Dorchester, Worchester, Manchester, etc.) And I *did* like "Chester" as an everyday name, a lot. So that's his everyday name, and that's how you get there from his full name. :-)
For those who are interested, momcat is CH Holdermaines Chaparrel and dadcat is IW,SGC Holdermaines Lil Dude Coon. (Which also makes him Petey's half-brother.) Anyone who wants to see a longer pedigree (and all the associated statistics) already knows where to find it, I'm sure. :-)
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