Guide To Cat Shows
Noted Judge .......
He put up our cat
Respected Judge .......
He put up our cat twice
Esteemed Judge .......
He puts up anything that crawls
Specialist Judge .......
Puts up anything that looks like his own breeding
Shown sparingly .......
Only when we had it in the bag
Show prospect .......
He has 4 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 tail
Finished in 5 shows .......
And 89 where he failed to win a ribbon
He has good points .......
His head is shaped like a carrot
Won in heavy competition .......
The others were revoltingly overweight
Quiet gentle natured .......
After 4 valiums
Personality plus .......
Wakes up if you put catnip up his nose
Large boned .......
Looks like a Clydesdale
Good bite .......
Missed the judge, got the steward
Lovely head .......
2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth, 1 nose
Gorgeous hard coat .......
If the hair spray lasts until the class finishes
At stud to "approved" queens .......
Those queens whose owner's check is "approved" by our bank
Linebred from famous Champions .......
CH Whoozitz appears twice in 6th generation
Terrific breeding queen .......
Her conformation is the pits, but she throws big litters
Great stud cat .......
Mounts anything that can fog a mirror
Loves children .......
For breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Wins another Best In Show .......
His second, under the same judge, our uncle
(Author unknown....)
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Barbara Petersen, January 2002